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The Belly Fat Diet-Lose Your Belly-PDF eBook Download


The Belly Fat Diet Lose Your Belly

(Shed Excess Weight, Improve Health)

Losing belly fat isn just about looking good; it about being healthy. We now know that excess belly fat is a huge indicator of overall health, especially the risks of heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Losing stored belly fat not only makes you look great and feel better about yourself, it lowers your risk for several diseases and conditions that can greatly affect and even shorten your life.

The Dangers of Excess Belly Fat

pdf ebookSeveral recent studies on the connection between obesity (particularly excess belly fat) and high levels of liver fat have shown that there is a much higher rate of fatty liver in those with excess belly fat. Fatty liver is a leading indicator of several lipid and metabolic disorders and even liver cancer. In these studies, researchers investigated what makes some obese people develop lipid disorders.They found that liver fat is strongly associated with increased secretion of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), which contain the highest amount of triglycerides. High levels of triglycerides carry an increased risk of metabolic abnormalities and increased risk of heart disease and premature death.When we eat, our food, especially carbohydrates, is broken down into glucose so that it can be used to power every cell in our bodies.However, to be used as energy rather than stored as fat, glucose requires the help of insulin.Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas. Its job is to serve as a key that unlocks your body cells so that glucose can enter and be used by the cells as energy. Fat cells, particularly abdominal fat cells, lessen the sensitivity to insulin, making it harder for glucose to pass through cell walls. Because the glucose can enter the cells, it remains in the bloodstream (high blood sugar). The pancreas responds by producing and releasing more insulin. This cycle repeats itself and grows worse over time. This is what leads to metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Losing Belly Fat Fast and Forever

ebook tutorialNow you need to know why cortisol is released into the bloodstream and how the Belly Fat Diet will help you to break the cortisol cycle and finally get rid of your excess belly fat quickly,painlessly and permanently.As you read earlier, cortisol is a stress hormone. When your body perceives stress, it signals the release of cortisol into the bloodstream. That cortisol release stimulates the storage of fat around your belly, specifically on a part of your abdomen known as the omentum. The omentum is a layer of deep tissue that stretches across your abdomen behind the navel. This is why the measurement of your waist at the belly button is such an important indicator of your risk for the diseases and conditions attributed to excess belly fat.Take A Lot of Stress to Stimulate Cortisol Release.This is an important fact to keep in mind. A recent study on cortisol and belly fat revealed that even the stress of counting calories increased cortisol levels in the bloodstream. While major stressors such as unemployment, the death of a loved one or divorce stimulate the release of more cortisol, the minor stressors of daily life add up to a good deal of cortisol in your bloodstream”enough to keep that belly fat growing.

Tips for Planning Your Meals

bookIf you have limited time to cook, you can double the time you do have by doubling the recipe. Instead of roasting one chicken, roast two. Serve one tonight and use the other for sandwiches, salads and soups throughout the week. Instead of baking two sweet potatoes for your dinner, bake four and take the leftovers to work for a quick snack. Instead of making six cups of soup, make twelve and freeze the extra in small containers.Each weekend, put together a stash of quick snacks for the office. Load up a lunch bag or tote with your favorite fruits,nuts, cheese sticks, yogurts and containers of soup and other standbys and stick it in the fridge until Monday morning. This way,you always have snacks handy and can stick to your diet even when you forget your lunch. It takes a lot less time than packing snacks each morning, too.

Keep an inexpensive blender at work, as well as your favorite protein powder, a small container of milk or almond milk, and a few Ziploc bags of frozen fruit. You be able to grab a smoothie when hunger hits or you dont have time for lunch.Try a few new foods each week. They can either be exotic fruits youe never tasted, types of fish you never knew heard of or just foods you rarely remember to buy. Varying your diet not only keeps it interesting, it also ensures a wide variety of nutrients.Anticipate cooking challenges. Dieting when you have a family or spouse who isnt joining you can present a tough test of your diet commitment. 

Dont worry! Many delicious meals can be adapted to the Belly Fat Diet Diet without your loved ones noticing. You can also modify your portion of a meal so that it meets the guidelines. For instance, if youe making barbecued chicken breasts for the kids, just roast yours without sauce. If your husband is having pork chops, sweet potatoes, green beans and a salad, skip the chops, load up on the veggies and heat up a slice of turkey for your plate. The point is to avoid cooking two separate meals: one for you and one for everyone else. It saves time and energy better spent elsewhere and can also avoid making you feel frustrated and isolated.

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